
Annelies Egli Salvage, Textiles, Weaving

Celtic Fringes   2017 to date This series of work is fabricated from plastic fibres collected from the shores of the United Kingdom over a period of several years. The activity of picking up fishing nets, ropes, strings and tangles gave an intense focus to every one of my holidays between 2017 – 19. Gathered on the beaches of Cornwall, Donegal … Read More

Kindoms and Kinship

Annelies Egli 3D work, Plants and Animals, Salvage, Text

I am part borrowing the title ‘Kindoms and Kinship’ from the title of an exhibition curated by  Patricia Brien in 2018 called KINdoms. Her introduction to the exhibition best describes the group of works in this category. Her statement in full can  be found below. The pieces below were on show in a variety of shows A Place called Home … Read More

A Language of Loss

Annelies Egli Photography, Text, Text/iles

Birds of a Feather / Post script A folder with trivial household notes – unbeknown to me – had been collected by my late husband over a period of several years . They became a starting point for a series of works which helped me through the shock and grief. ‘Heirloom’   This dress was fabricated from palm prints by family … Read More

To the letter

Annelies Egli 3D work, Text, Text/iles

A Lifetime of Work A Fringe Arts Bath exhibition in honour of Adrian Frutiger, an influential Swiss typographer (1928-2015) whose fonts live on the world over in many airport and on motorway signs . Adrian Frutiger seems to have a common ancestor with me by the name of Jakob Frutiger – both from Unterseen near Interlaken in Switzerland. The needlework … Read More

Warps Wefts Words

Annelies Egli Text, Text/iles, Textiles, Weaving

I have lived through the long and slower years before the advent of mobile phones and internet when people still left notes on tables for one another and wrote and received letters from far and wide. An electric typewriter was an exciting asset speeding up the previously painstaking, sometimes obsessive recording of thoughts , ideas, proposals and letters by hand. … Read More


Annelies Egli Photography, Text

Demolition Ground Monadology Sculpture/photography ‘Moon Man’ an exploration in plaster, sculpture  and photography ‘On the Seashore of Endless Worlds Children Play…. … a quote from R.Tagore that intrigued me and made me want to explore its possible meaning visually/photographically. ‘High tides’ Watershed Media Centre Bristol , ‘Swinging the Lead’ The Old Leadworks Bristol, ‘Don’t Stand on Trifles’ Aspex Gallery Portsmouth … Read More